

Painted graduation cap

MU graduates report satisfaction with education, lives

Nine in 10 曼彻斯特 University graduates who responded to a Gallup survey this year say they are satisfied or extremely satisfied with the education they received from MU. In the same survey, 95 percent of 曼彻斯特 respondents report they are satisfied with their personal lives today.

约2,500 randomly selected MU graduates responded to the Gallup-Purdue Index, the first-ever measure of college graduates’ long-term success in their careers and lives. 曼彻斯特 is among 13 Indiana universities taking part.

盖洛普公司., the well-known polling company, developed standard questions and demographic criteria for participating colleges and universities. 曼彻斯特’s results provide a benchmark to help the University gauge how its graduates are doing in relation to college graduates nationally.

MU respondents “agree” or “strongly agree” with the following:

  • 89 percent are satisfied with the education they received.
  • 85 percent say it was worth the cost.
  • 81 percent took out student loans and say that was worth the cost.
  • 81 percent say they were well-prepared for life outside of college.
  • 90 percent were challenged academically.

“We are very pleased to see these extremely positive results for 曼彻斯特 University and its graduates,” said John Sampson, president and CEO of the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership. “Northeast Indiana is committed to develop, attract and retain talent, and these results demonstrate the direct benefits to our region from this exceptional institution of higher education.”

One satisfied alumna is Elizabeth Reading Hippensteel. She graduated from MU in 2000 with a degree in biology and is a research scientist at DePuy Synthes in Warsaw. 她住 in North 曼彻斯特 with her husband and daughter.

She said the range of classes she chose from the 曼彻斯特 liberal arts core “gave me the freedom to think outside the box.” They helped prepare her, outside of science classes, with critical thinking skills. That education included international experiences, and now world travel is something she does for business and for pleasure with her family.

Hippensteel also treasured the “accessibility of the professors” who would give students their home phone numbers or have students over for supper. Having grown up in the Chicago area, she had not been accustomed to the intimacy of the community she found at 曼彻斯特 “… the kindness of everybody” that led to lifelong friendships.

“曼彻斯特 exposed me to areas I’d never experienced before,” said Carolyn Ringeisen, a first-generation college student who met the love of her life at 曼彻斯特 and went on to get a master’s degree and teach accounting after graduating in 1966. “It just lit up a whole new world,” she said. In addition to the strong accounting program, courses in art and music cultivated “an appreciation for the arts that we’ve had our entire lives.“同样的, required courses in religion and philosophy encouraged the couple to explore their beliefs and values.

She and her husband, 丰富的, now retired in South Carolina, have endowed two scholarships at the University because they themselves were scholarship recipients. Also a ’66 曼彻斯特 graduate, 丰富的 taught mathematics at Colgate University and Indiana University-Purdue University Fort 韦恩, led the mathematics department at Clemson University, was dean of sciences at Old Dominion University and held administrative posts at East Carolina University before serving 10 years as chancellor of the University of Illinois Springfield.

The Indiana Commission on Higher Education on June 13, 2016, released a statewide report regarding participating Indiana institutions. 点击 在这里 to read the report.

To see more results from the full 曼彻斯特 survey, click 在这里.

For more information:

Assistant Vice President for Enrollment and Marketing
曼彻斯特 University
T 800-852-3648
E arhohman@herbalifa.com
